Monday, January 30, 2012

In the Fat vs. Carb War Bacon Wins Out

I'll bash my fundamental Protestant upbringing in terms of excitement deprivation but one thing's for sure. My diet was spot on. I might have been deprived of lobster as a child but those slices of Oatbran bread hearty enough to chip a tooth turned out to be the best way to keep me svelte. Or anyone for that matter. As this handy infographic depicts the easier to digest = the worse for your body.

Read How you Get Fat in 12 Sad Steps in Fast Company.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Talk About a Journey

This will sober up anyone who thinks they've got a tough life or are going through a bad spell. Amit Gupta was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2011. By using Facebook, blogs & Twitter he galvanized friends, family, strangers, celebrities to locate a bone marrow donor.

He found one.

Read about his journey on his blog: Amit Gupta Likes You.

The impact of innovative technology is exciting. Social media as a means of communication. Stem cell therapy as a means of regeneration. None of which would mean anything without human emotion driving it.

What a journey.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can Justin Timberlake bring sexy back to Panasonic?

LL Cool J, Brandy Chastain, and my favorite the JabbaWockeez dance crew showed up at the Consumer Electronics Show 2012 making it the intersection of Technology & Celebrity. Why does this courtship make sense? Easy - tech facilitates applications for everyday life. Examples include: 3D coverage for the Olympic Games. Social TV service soon to be available on Panasonic connected televisions. Boomdizzle the virtual recording studio software. SMS Audio. Paltalk, an app that allows users to make free calls and send free texts.

Technical interpretation of real life needs. Ok, so maybe I don't need to a demo of the TOSY's “innovative entertainment robot" by Justin Bieber. But it doesn't hurt to watch Dennis Rodman plug an app that allows users to make free calls and send free text messages to any other app user over 3G and WiFi.

Catch more techie celeb action.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twitter as a Timekeeper & Storyteller

Twitter has become the resource for sound bites and fast quotes. All conveniently condensed into less than 140 characters. Proving this point is a clever review of 2011 as told by Twitter. Created by Jeremiah Warren on YouTube.